Monday, June 23, 2008

New new new!

Starting anew! My other blog died. Haha. So this one will have more frequent updates, more pictures, and more info on my pages.

I somehow missed taking a picture of the "keep it simple, just words" entry...but I added another picture of a page that I made "off video."

Before the pictures, I'll share my List.

My Happy List was made up of these 5 things:

1. Vanilla Coke- Nothing beats a vanilla coke when I'm feeling blah.

2. Girl Scout Cookies- Need I say more?

3. Scooter- How can a dog that comes absolutely unglued every day you come home not make you feel awesome???

4. Reruns- Shallow, but a good rerun always makes me feel good.

5. Good Weather- Doesn't happen often, but when the weather is just right, everything feels at peace.

1 comment:

Eveline said...

Vanilla coke? Are you serious?? Eeewwwwww!! (But then I don't like vanilla...)