Thursday, March 26, 2009

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Still here.

End of the day, originally uploaded by

I'm still here. I promise. I just have like no free time any more. But for what it's worth, I am about to start editing a new video!! :) :) :)

Thought I would share this beautiful picture I found on flickr...maybe you need some inspiration! I think the color pallet is definitely gonna inspire a few projects.

Friday, October 3, 2008


I got the job! woop. Cashiering it up.

And my paiting in slowly progressing. I'm liking it! Let's hope it keeps going in the direction of good.

And I'm siiiick! so uh...this is a short

Monday, September 29, 2008

Title here.

I started a painting today. I like it so far. But don't want to get my hopes up, because I usually ruin any foray into painting on canvas. Haha.

AND. Pray for me tomorrow around 1:30 CT. I have a job interview. And I desperately need an actual job.
:) :) :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pattern inspiration

I got a new wallet. And it totally inspired me to make a fun entry. No real "meaning"...but FUNNNNNN! and you know what? i LOVED doing it.

One of these days, I'll actually edit and post the video I've made. But editing is such a chore. Windows Movie Maker hates me, and messes up like every other second, so it's annoying to try and do anything in it.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm a horrible blogger.

Yeah so blog week didn't really make it.

BUUUT....the other day I tried something new in my journal: drawing!

It's nothing amazing. I'm not going to sit here and wax poetic on the girl I drew...but it was fun! It came out messed up....and the wings look stupid, I don't even know why I drew them. I'm not intpo wings and fairies...but whatever!

So uh...if you need something to do in your journal....DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT! A different technique, a new color, a new style...don't write? do nothing but write. don't (or can't) draw? DO IT ANYWAY. just have fun. :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Day number 3.

I have two tests that I should be studying for.'s a short prompt.

(And a promise of a beefy, picture laden post tomorrow.)

What's overwhelming you right now??